Why use Ionic 6 and Phaser 3?

Why use Ionic 6 and Phaser 3?

Header image of ionic phaser

We have discussed various technical things in our previous blogs. In this blog, we will discuss Ionic 6 and Phaser 3. You might be curious to know what it is? Our company provides service in ionic app development as well. Let’s move into more details to know about Ionic 6 and Phaser 3.

1. Introduction to Ionic 6

Ionic 6 is an open-source UI toolkit. It is used in mobile app development. It also helps build desktop and mobile apps with high performance and high quality. Did you know? This version of ionic can be proven to be a game-changer due to its various improvements and advantages. It’s a high-quality framework. Also, it provides features that are essential to provide help in desktop support. Ionic 6 comes with changes of design in iOS and Android. We all are excited about this new version of ionic. And I am sure it will be a great advantage for the developers and for enterprises. Ionic app development targets building hybrid mobile apps. Thus, it has better platform support and development speed.

The ionic framework allows us to create hybrid mobile apps. Let’s understand first what a hybrid mobile app is? Then we will move towards Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 discussion as well.

A hybrid mobile app is a software that contains a combination of both native and web application elements. It is used by Ionic 6. Hybrid mobile apps deliver easy development methods that reduce cost and compatibility over various platforms. Since they require a transparent approach to connect the solution and a UI library to help properly present the user interface, those challenges are known. They can be solved with the Ionic framework. Thus, it is exciting to work with Ionic 6 features.

2. Introduction to Phaser 3

It is the new version of the Phaser game framework. Phaser 3.0.0 was released on 13th February 2018. Phaser 3 was a vast achievement as it has made certain things more accessible. The need for modern 2D games made the creation of 2D games easy. Moreover, Phaser uses Canvas and WebGL. It enables fast rendering along with mobile as well as desktop.

In the above paragraphs, we have discussed the introduction of Ionic 6 and Phaser 3. Now lets’s move forward to know more.

3. Why use Ionic 6 with Phaser 3?

Now, we are familiar with Ionic 6 and Phaser 3. There arises the question of why to use both. The heading makes us curious as well. We all want to know about Ionic 6 and Phaser 3. It must be helpful to understand why we should combine both entities?

Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 allow us to import the game to the other platforms that are browsers as well as a mobile app if we need it in the process. It also enables time management. Using Ionic 6 and Phaser 3, gives us enough time for game designing. Unlike learning a new game interface or a new programming language that consumes too much time in learning, it saves our time. Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 provide a fast speed, and this combination is useful to much extent. In our coming parts, we will discuss it more.

4. Our Samples of Games

Since we are discussing Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 in this article. Thus, we are an ionic app development company as well which means we provide ionic app development services. In addition, we have worked on the creation of games combining both Phaser and Ionic. Below are the sample images of our games created using an Ionic Phaser.

Sample image of games created by the company. Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 blog.
Game sample created by Take2 Technologies
Sample game image. Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 blog.
Game sample created by Take2 Technologies

5. Features of Ionic 6

5.1. It is fast!

Ionic 6 is faster and more reliable. In earlier versions, the time taken was longer to make changes in iOS and Android designs. But, the release of Ionic 6 gives us a more rapid and better approach. Therefore, it’s fast.

5.2. Upgrading Ionic 6 is easy

Yes, you hear it right. Upgrading is easy. Framework v6 has most of the changes like Framework v5. Therefore, for half of the changes, our actions are not required. Hence, the steps of the upgrade are easy.

5.3. Components

It brings new components that provide better mobile and desktop experiences. For example, components like ion-accordion have functionality that gives smooth animations, better keyboard support, and is highly flexible for desktop and mobile applications. The ion-breadcrumbs component is highly customizable and helpful in handling complicated setups of applications. Similarly, there are many other components with significant updates.

5.4. Elements

There is a new building of custom elements in framework v6. It enables you to reduce the size of your application. Because of custom elements, the loading time of apps is going to take a faster speed. Also, with these changes, bundle size reduction will come as well.

Above all, there are many features included as well. It supports many features such as Design, Performance and tooling, Material design, Virtual scroll, and many more. For sure, these features are helpful in many ways.

6. Features of Phaser

In this section, we will discuss various features of the Phaser. Some of the features included in Phaser are Input, Sound, Device scaling, Plugin system, Mobile browser, Developer support, WebGL and Canvas, Physics, Animations, Cameras, Groups, and many more.

Now let’s look at the detailed analysis of these mentioned features.

6.1. Input

Phaser consists of various useful functions such as Touch, Mouse, Keyboard, etc., It helps you create or modify the needs of the input system. In addition, mid-game changes can happen, too, no matter from where the input is coming.

6.2. Sound

Phaser supports HTML audio as well as Web audio. Moreover, it enables us to handle creation, streaming, mobile device lockings, volume, etc. So, we don’t need to go through much effort and pain to deal with the sound.

6.3. Device Scaling

Phaser 3 supports full-screen and provides the minimum and maximum scales and control aspect ratios. It helps us in scaling the game to fit in screen size.

6.4. Mobile Browser

The main focus of the Phaser is to create it, especially for mobile browsers. Phaser has the main focus on the mobile web browser. Besides, it works faster on a desktop as well. But the mobile browser steals the show here.

6.5. Developer Support

Due to more use of Phaser, it is widely in demand by many enterprises and clients. Therefore, it’s evolving and improving already. The bugs are fixed. It is well maintained and has support packages.

6.6. WebGL and Canvas

Talking about the features, now let’s move towards Canvas and WebGL. A phaser uses Canvas as well as WebGL rendering internally. It automates directly swapping between them depending on the support provided by the browser. Hence, it offers fast rendering.

6.7. Physics

Mainly, Phaser consists of 3 physics systems. The first is Arcade Physics; the second is Impact physics and the third is Matter.js. All these consist of different types of support for various powered devices.

6.8. Preloader

Loading is made simple for the Phaser. Be it Sounds, Tilemaps, Images, etc., are automatically handled. Therefore, these are readily available for use in-game most of the time.

6.9. Animations

We all know animations play an important role in the gaming world. It provides support for Sprite Sheets within a frame size. And that is fixed. Also, it gives us various texture formats. Thus, creating animation is easy in Phaser.

6.10. Camera

It provides advanced camera support. The cameras are easily scrollable. They also have different effects like flash and fade, shake, etc.

There are many more Phaser features such as Groups, Plugins system, Particles, Tilemaps, and others. As the new version launches, there will be more upgrading.

6.11. Sprites

Sprites are a vital fluid for your game. They provide full input support. Be it clicking them, dragging them around, touching them. Even Sprites provide ultimate click detection if required.

7. Conclusion for Ionic 6 and Phaser 3

In conclusion, we are more to see the setup of Ionic 6 and Phaser 3 for the next part, as mentioned above, various points of Ionic 6 and Phaser 3. It will be exciting to see what more features and improvements it brings out. Ionic app development is helpful for the users as well.

Stay tuned with us for more updates on Ionic 6 and Phaser 3.

Simultaneously, check out our other blogs as well.












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