With over 300 million users worldwide, Moodle™ is one of the most widely used Learning Management Systems (LMS). Known for its flexibility, scalability, and user-friendliness, Moodle™ empowers educational institutions to …
What is a Moodle™? Why it is Used as an E-learning Management System?
There are multiple innovations and revolutionary ideas taking place in communications. And these innovations are making the surge worldwide. It is exciting to realize that the old and traditional methods …
Moodle™ 4.0 is just released! The wait is over now.
Moodle™ 4.0 is just launched, and we are equally excited as you to witness the new features of Moodle™ LMS 4.0. http://moodle4.taketwotechnologies.com/ check out more about it. For the past …
Why do you Need End-to-End Moodle™ Support?
We at Take2 Technologies provide Moodle™ Support Services. Moodle™ is an online learning management system that is trusted by learners and administrators worldwide. Moodle™ is a revolutionary innovation in the world …
Moodle™ 4.0 development, the release date is near!
Did you know that Moodle™ 4.0 development is releasing soon? Moodle™ is an online learning management system. For instance, it provided an e-learning management system for students and educational contributors …